Ocarina Vessel Flute

Sheet music with tablatures, notes, and interactive training
for 12-, 10-, and 6-hole traditional ocarinas; and for ‌Coda EDC Flute

Legal Information

The term Product below refers to ‌the “Ocarina TabsAndroid, iOS, and web applications.

TL;DR: The Product is a small hobby project. Its author does his best to provide and maintain the Product, and to protect its users from any associated risks; however, the author gives no warranties of any kind, and he is not liable for any damage that may be caused by the Product or any associated services.

User Support

Bug reports, suggestions, and ideas are welcome to ‌support@music-tabs.com.

The author does not guarantee timely reply nor resolution of incoming inquiries and support requests.

Terms of Use (EULA)

The Product is provided “as is”, without a warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement. In no event shall the author(s) or copyright holder(s) be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the Product or the use or other dealing in the Product.

The user is forbidden to attempt reverse engineering the Product; and/or using any piece of (or asset included into) the Produce in any other project.

Privacy Policy

The Product may collect, store, and use user-sensitive information, as explained below.

The Product may provide purchases and subscriptions, powered by 3rd party providers (Google.Play store on Android devices; Apple's AppStore on iOS devices; Stripe in web version; and RevenueCat in all cases) according to their policies. They may collect, store, and use user' billing and purchase information as necessary to provide purchase and subscription services.

The Product may display advertisements provided and managed by Google's Advertisement Services (AdMob and AdSense) and their partners according to their policies. They may collect, store, and use user data for advertisement targeting. User' consent for such use of their data is separately collected by the app in the areas where requested by law.

The Product may access device microphone to capture sound, which is necessary for the “interactive training” features of the application. The microphone access permission is collected as required by the host platform. The captured audio is analysed on the device, and is not stored, nor used for any other purpose.

The Product may collect and store “in cloud” user preferences and app usage data (favourite melodies, best scores achieved in training modes, etc.). These data, in aggregated anonymous form, maybe shared with other users to provide additional features in the Product (e.g. the ranking of melodies by popularity among users, the ranking of melody difficulty based on best scores achieved by different users in training mode, etc.) These data may be analysed and used by the Product's author for further Product improvement, as well as for development of new products.

The Product's author does his best to protect the privacy of its users, and to protect the users from any harm and risks associated with the use of Product and related services. However, the Product comes with no warranties of any kind, and the author is not liable for any damage, breach of privacy, etc. caused by the Product, or by any 3rd-party code, providers, or serivces this Product relies upon.

© Ocarina Tabs App / Music Tabs (https://music-tabs.com), 2015–2025